December 2018 Prayer for Christian Service
Monday December 3rd, 4 – 5 pm
Chapel of Unity
Coventry Cathedral
Coventry Foodbank
gives out emergency food, plus other vital support services, seven days a week via their sixteen partner churches: find out more!
Introduced by: Hugh McNeill
Listen to their story – encourage them with your prayer!
More information: John Lloyd (Co-Chair, Chapel of Unity Joint Council) 02476 413004 [email protected]
Ecumenical Service on Remembrance Sunday
November 2018 Prayer for Christian Service
Monday November 5th, 4 – 5 pm
Chapel of Unity
Coventry Cathedral
The Oasis
is a community café and family breakfast club run by Bethel Church in Spon End and offering a caring, listening ear along with good food
Introduced by: Lindsey Pearce
Listen to their story – encourage them with your prayer!
More information: John Lloyd (Co-Chair, Chapel of Unity Joint Council) 02476 413004 [email protected]
Prayer Points
- That we always uphold the name of Jesus in the cafe.
- We continue to welcome all those who come in the door with the same love and care that Christ showed to us.
- More solid volunteers who wish to share their faith and just talk to people.
- More people coming through the doors. Without the money coming in we can’t continue.
Facebook Page: Oasis Community Hub and Cafe
Email Address: [email protected]
World Council of Churches – Week for Peace in Palestine and Israel
16-30th September 2018
The Chapel of Unity is participating in the World Council of Churches’ Week for Peace in Palestine and Israel. We are asked to Pray, Study and Act on the theme: ‘Investing in Young People’. Come along and spend some time in the Chapel to pray for peace.
‘Hands of Hope’ display kindly lent by Working with Villages in Palestine. ‘Voices of the Young-Visions for the Future’ from Pax Christi UK
October 2018 Prayer for Christian Service
Monday October 1st, 4 – 5 pm
Chapel of Unity
Coventry Cathedral
The Light House
is a counselling agency based in Coventry, which offers timely, confidential and sensitive counselling help for a wide range of difficulties which people experience.
Introduced by: Julie Lancaster
(Agency Manager)
All welcome!
More information: John Lloyd (Co-Chair, Chapel of Unity Joint Council) 02476 413004 [email protected]
Light House Prayer Points
- For continuing finance for ongoing support from individual supporters and churches
- For all clients with their varying needs
- For ability to cope with the demand from the 450 clients, involving 3000 sessions
- For an increase in the number of qualified counsellors
- For greater awareness in the churches of the ministry offered by Light House
- For success in applying for finance from trusts
Service of Thanksgiving for the Refurbishment of the Chapel of Unity
Here are some photos taken at the service
Saturday 8th September 2018 at 1pm
The Joint Council of the Chapel of Unity is pleased to invite you to share in a Service of Thanksgiving for the refurbishment of the Chapel of Unity on Saturday 8th September at 1pm.
We plan to gather together on Unity Lawn outside the Chapel at 1pm to begin our service, weather permitting, and otherwise in the nave of the Cathedral outside the Chapel.
After the service all are invited to share over refreshments, memories of the past, and your hopes for the future life of the Chapel of Unity in working towards unity and reconciliation.
In addition you are also invited, if you are able, to arrive at 12pmto join the daily Litany of Reconciliation in the Cathedral ruins.
September Prayer for Christian Service
Monday September 3rd, 4 – 5 pm
Chapel of Unity
Hope into Action Coventry provides homes for the most vulnerable in society in partnership with local churches, built on the belief that when people have a safe, secure home surrounded by loving, non-judgemental relationships they will find the strength and motivation to make positive life choices.
Introduced by: Nobby Clarke
(Chair of Trustees)
All welcome!
More information: John Lloyd (Co-Chair, Chapel of Unity Joint Council) 02476 413004 [email protected]
Hope Into Action Coventry Prayer Points
- For homeless people nationwide: on the street, in B & B, sofa-surfing.
- For communication between agencies in the city.
- For those being supported in housing e.g. “Tick”, Ian, Adrian.
- For our nation and local authorities, for changes in legislation to provide more support for the vulnerable.
- For those entrenched in homeless, for whom other schemes have failed.
- For HIA to get families out of B & B.
- For church members to volunteer as mentors.
July Prayer for Christian Service
Chapel of Unity
Ali Hogger-Gadsby (Director) spoke about Keeping Health in Mind, which offers a Bible-based coping skills course, the LIFE course, combining biblical wisdom with practical skills.
Prayer points:
1) The need for new trustees, especially younger people who can identify with the needs of e.g. students suffering from mental ill-health.
2) The ministry has grown organically, often by word of mouth. What comes next? – prayer requested for new direction and opportunities.
3) For the churches to become aware of the resources available to them through KHiM and for courage to reach out to the mentally-ill who come to them.
4) For needy people to discover the help offered by KHiM through the Breathe! sessions and on the Facebook page.