
The Chapel of Unity hosts 4 regular congregations:-

Tuesday 1:05pm we gather during lunchtime for a short act of worship led by various church leaders from around the city. The regular congregation is pleased to be joined by visitors to the Cathedral and by those who wish to take a break from work, shopping or visiting. On the first Tuesday of each month there is a communion Service at which all are welcome. This congregation is not meeting at the moment. Look out for updates.

Wednesday 8:00am we begin the day with prayers and reflections led by a variety of worship leaders each bringing a different style in their approach to God. We are back to meeting in the Chapel and on zoom.

Saturday 12:00pm Litany of Reconciliation and Holy Communion

On the Fourth  Sunday of each month at 2:00pm the German Lutheran Congregation meet together just as they have done since 1950. The service is conducted in German and draws together German speakers from across Coventry & Warwickshire.

On the First Monday of each month at 4:00pm The Christian Service Centre Prayers will focus on a different piece of Christian service around the city.