June Prayer Points – Radio Plus

Tim Coleman gave us a lot of information about his personal spiritual journey, culminating in the setting up of Radio Plus, offering “pre-evangelism” to 16-35 year olds within a 11-12 km radius of Coventry, and a signposting service for people in need.


Prayer points:


  • For Tim and Jackie, getting married on June 10th
  • For ongoing service during the period of Tim’s 3-month sabbatical
  • For a sustainable future for the radio station
  • For Tim as he seeks God’s guidance for the future
  • For the trustees and staff during the next 3-4 months’ testing time
  • For guidance for the programme makers and presenters as they seek to find the best ways to reach their target audience
  • For the churches to catch the vision of the potential of Radio Plus
  • For the “Routes to Employment” job-readiness and media training course, specifically tailored to the needs of those currently out of work or training in the community.



June Prayer for Christian Service

Prayer for Christian Service

Monday June 5th, 4 – 5 pm

Chapel of Unity
Coventry Cathedral

We will hear about, and pray for,
Radio Plus 101.5FM,
a community radio station serving Coventry,
a voice for the city churches,
provider of media training for unemployed young people.

Introduced by: Tim Coleman
(Radio Plus Station Manager)

All welcome!

More information: John Lloyd (Co-Chair, Chapel of Unity Joint Council)
02476 413004 [email protected]

May Prayer for Christian Service

Monday May 8th, 4 – 5 pm

Chapel of Unity
Coventry Cathedral

We will hear about, and pray for, the Street Pastors, who patrol the city centre every Friday and Saturday night between 10.00pm and 3.00am. “We are there to care for, listen to and help people who are out and about. Our aim is to ensure their safety.”

Introduced by: Isabel McIntyre
(Coordinator, Coventry Street Pastors)

All welcome!

More information: John Lloyd (Co-Chair, Chapel of Unity Joint Council)
02476 413004 [email protected]

April Prayers for Christian Service

Monday April 3rd, 4 – 5 pm

Hear about, and pray for, a place of welcome for all at Warwick Road Church Centre offering, with no strings attached, ways to help people feel they belong to a friendly and supportive community, whatever their circumstances or background.

Introduced by: Jean Perry (Outreach and Development Worker Warwick Road Church Centre)

All welcome!

More information: John Lloyd (Co-Chair, Chapel of Unity Joint Council) 02476 413004 [email protected]


04Prayer for Christian Service Apr 2017 poster

March Prayer for Christian Service


Prayer for Christian Service

Monday March 6th, 4 – 5 pm

Chapel of Unity

Coventry Cathedral


Come and hear about CAP (Christians Against Poverty), who are “passionate about releasing people in our nation from a life sentence of debt, poverty, unemployment and addiction. Working with the church we bring good news, hope and freedom to people in the UK.”

Introduced by: Ian Burton (Centre Manager, Coventry CAP)

All welcome!

More information: John Lloyd (Co-Chair, Chapel of Unity Joint Council)

02476 413004 [email protected]

Bridges Over The Wall

Coventry Poetry Vigil: ‘Bridges Over the Wall’
Saturday, February 4th, 10am – 4pm
Chapel of Unity, Coventry Cathedral.

Coventry poet, Antony Owen, is leading a voluntary peace poetry vigil for victims of confliict. ‘Bridges over the wall” will consist of bridging poetry and spoken word, for those without a voice, from places of conflict across the world. The event will also bridge conflicts past and present, those affected from the bombings of places like Coventry, Dresden, Hiroshima, Nagasaki and in recent conflicts in Syria and Yemen.
The event will include poems read by local poets, students from Cardinal Newman School, refugees and Owen himself.

Everyone is welcome to come, to listen and to light a candle for peace.

Entrance to the Chapel is free, optional donations can be made.

He was lost and is found

Pastor Albrecht Kostlin-Buurma gave the following sermon after the Reading from St Luke 15 vv11-32 (the Prodigal Son Parable):-

We have just heard one of the most beautiful stories in the Bible: A new life is given to a man who has fundamentally destroyed his life. ” This son of mine was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found!” That’s how God is dealing with you, Jesus tells us with this story. You can start your life again thanks to His love, and what you have failed to do before will do no lasting harm to you.

This story is at the centre of Christian life, and however we understand our Christian faith, however we express it or however we arrange it in our ecclesiastical structures, with this story we find a common witness of the love of God that is stronger than all human guilt .

If I now hear this story as a Protestant Christian, 500 years after Luther’s Reformation, in the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, I have an image of Pope Francis emerging in my mind, who celebrated the beginning of the Reformation anniversary in Sweden a few months ago, and a voice whispers to me: You see, the Catholic Church returns to the roots of faith.

A beautiful picture – until I put myself into the shoes of my Catholic friends. They see the Pope lovingly welcome the Protestant siblings and hear the voice whisper: See, the Lutheran Church returns into the open arms of the church from which it had once separated.

Anglican Christians may now think, perhaps, that the clashes between Lutherans and Catholics show that there are actually two lost sons in history who have yet to learn how to unite two different directions in one church. It is nice that they return to our ecumenical form of the Christian faith in the Reformation year.

And since there are also denominations in this country, which see the connection of the Anglicans, Catholics and Lutherans with political power as a dramatic mis-development of the Christian faith, the number of lost sons in their eyes should be at least three.

Perhaps you are smiling about these associations between the confessional differences and the story Jesus told. This is good. Humor helps us to see the point of view of our own religious group self-critically. Of course I can do this only with my own Protestant tradition, and a little more precisely, with my particular stand within German Protestantism, but it will be easy for you to translate this into the world of your own experiences.

As a Protestant Christian, I ask myself now: Is it really true that we Protestants have remained in the house of  the True Faith, while the other denominations have all moved into the world of error and can now be glad that God allows them to return home, where we have always been?

As a pastor of the German-speaking United Synod, I ask myself: Is it really true that we have remained in the house of the True Faith, whereas the Lutherans and the Reformed with their denominational differences have hurt the attractiveness of Protestantism and that they only come back home because we live in a post-Christian society?

And as a liberal theologian, I wonder: Is it really true that I have stayed in the house of the True Faith while the dogmatic traditionalists and the biblical fundamentalists have taken themselves to the wrong place and can be glad that God is not annoyed with them?

I am convinced that each one of us finds himself or herself in this story first in the role of the son, who has remained faithful to the Father in principle, and therefore needs no repentance. We therefore understand this story of Jesus as a call to lovingly deal with the wandering brother and to facilitate his return. And I do not deny that this loving interaction with the lost is the goal of the second part of Jesus’ narrative.

In the first part, however, this story clearly places us in the person of the lost son. We see how this man terminates his communion with the Father against all reason, and seeks his happiness in fellowship with men who destroy his life. I used to wonder again and again: Is it really possible that a person can be so stupid? Meanwhile, I have learned that this stupidity is widespread, and it is a great pleasure for many people to destroy their livelihoods for the sake of an ideology. But today, this story is asking me: Is it possible that you are the stupid one? Where are you going to with your way of proclaiming the Christian faith? Is not every of your attempts to press the Christian faith into a dogmatic system misleading? Can you really transform into a catechism what Jesus only could express in a parable? Can you really transform the communion which the Risen One creates by means of His Word into an organised church? Why should your tradition or theological direction be the home to which the other Christians should repent? Are not you the one who should return to the Father?

The story of Jesus can make us humble. It can make us confess the familiar words “All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” It can create a community of lost ones who are on the way to the Father they once left. It is a good story for this week of prayer because it replaces our longing for a united church with the longing for the unity of Christians with Jesus Christ. We are united in the firm confidence that God is the loving Father, whom Jesus presents us with his story. We are united in the promise that there is a new beginning and that the theological errors and the errors of the churches in the past will not determine our future. And we are united the hope that for our own churches, the relieved words of the Father will also be valid: ” This son of mine was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found!”

Albrecht Köstlin-Büürma

Image may contain: 1 person, table and indoorImage may contain: one or more people, people sitting, table and indoor

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

Building Bridges Not Walls – banner in Cathedral now to add names/comments

– included in Litany on Friday 20th and then  12.15 with Banner in conjunction with international actions on day of US presidential inauguration.


Reformation Anniversary: Statement from the Archbishops of Canterbury and York

Tuesday 17th January 2017

Ahead of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2017, which starts tomorrow, the Archbishops of Canterbury and York have issued a joint statement on the 500th anniversary of the Reformation.

See this link



European Church leaders issue joint message for Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

To view follow this link


The Presidents of the Council of European Bishops’ Conference and the Conference of European Churches has sent out this message for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2017.

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

The love of Christ compels us (2 Corinthians 5:14)! Great truth is contained in this short verse from Saint Paul’s letter to the Corinthians that inspired this year’s Week of Prayer for Christian Unity.

The history of Christianity in Europe is marked by sorrowful periods of division, mutual condemnation, and even violence. As a number of churches prepare to commemorate the 500th anniversary of the beginnings of the Protestant Reformation, we are reminded anew of our difficult past. Recalling these events and confronting our history is a precious opportunity to renew our commitment to the healing of wounds and overcoming divisions. We turn to Christ, who reconciles all people and all creation to God, to guide us in this work. In humble gratitude for this gift, we work for reconciliation through both word and deed.

Today we must also celebrate how we have grown in learning to work together and cultivating meaningful theological dialogue. The Council of European Bishops’ Conference and the Conference of European Churches have enjoyed 45 years of collaboration through its Joint Committee, and on other issues of common concern. Also the shared suffering and joy of the world brings us together. Our solidarity with Roma people, our commitment to ecological justice, and prayers for unity within the Body of Christ is strengthened through this relationship.

The multiple crises facing Europe and its neighbours bind us still more closely together. War and conflict, political uncertainty, migration and ecological challenges, material and spiritual poverty touch all lives in Europe and beyond. Along with these crises comes hope. Together we can bear witness to the reconciling love of Christ through the safeguarding of Creation, solidarity with the poor, and protecting the dignity of all God’s people.

Through dialogue we will deepen our understanding of one another. Through common witness and action we will build bridges. Through prayer we will learn to recognise the Holy Spirit at work. The way forward can not always be clear or easy, but we always recall in our heart the truth that “the love of Christ compels us.”